Palliative Matters
Join Board Certified Palliative & Hospice Care physicians, Dr. John Mulder, Executive Director of Trillium Institute, and Dr. Jason Beckrow, Trillium Institute faculty, as they dive into the world of palliative care. Using real-life examples, they create an open dialogue to address issues of those with a serious illness and provide resources, tips, and tools for patients, their loved ones, and medical professionals to provide a higher quality end-of-life experience.
Palliative Matters
Finding Peace at the End of Life: A Potential Role for Psychedelic Medication
Psilocybin has had a place in healing for millennia, particularly among ancient civilizations and cultures. While it's had a negative view in some corners of contemporary American society, research into its potential has gained traction and it is slowly finding a place in the mainstream. In this episode, Dr. Mulder and Dr. Beckrow are joined by Prof. Michael DeWilde, who shares his knowledge of the history, uses, and benefits of psilocybin. This has prompted Dr. Mulder and Dr. Beckrow to ask, "Is there a place for psilocybin in palliative medicine and end-of-life care?"